2/20/2015 (4:30 PM)  -  2/22/2015
Parents: If you plan to camp with the troop sign up as you normally would. If you would like to Camp with Staff as part of the cooking crew sign up as a Staffer.

Rock Steady - 1st Ottrrrs, 2nd Panthers
Hip to be Square - 1st Moose
I'm not your Stepping Stone - 2nd Panthers
Carry on Wayward son - 3rd Panthers
All is Knot Lost - 2nd Panthers
Fishing for Snapper - 1st Panthers
Penguin Bowling - 1st Panthers
Polar Bear Tease - 1st Ottrrrs
Blindfold Tent Setup - 2nd Panthers
Fire building - 1st Ottrrrs
Aurora Borealis - 3rd Panthers
Eggs and a cup of Coffee - 1st Ottrrrs

The scouts can, and are expected to, use the items on their sled to complete the given tasks. Select Towns will have some of the items required to complete that town’s task.
• Patrol Flag**
• Pouch for nuggets**
• Copy of patrol roster**
• Wood & kindling, (small & dry)
• (Enough for (3) fires)
• Tinder (natural materials only)
• (Enough for (3) fires)
• Matches (NO lighters)
• Pot (for boiling ice/snow)
• Compass
• Pen/Pencil
• Paper/notepad
• Rope, (suggest (1) 30 ft piece & (5) 12’-15’ pieces for lashing)
• (4) 2 ft lengths (to demonstrate knot tying)
• (5) 12 ft – 15 ft lengths (for lashing)
• (2) 25 ft – 30 ft lengths
• Patrol First Aid kit**
• (1) copy of the Scout Handbook
• (1) copy of the Field book
• Water bottle - FILLED with water (for each member)**
• Neckerchiefs or triangular bandages (for each patrol member)
• material to use for first aid events (neckerchiefs should work)
• Blanket
• Scout Basic (10) Essentials (for each scout)**

**items marked are REQUIRED and sleds missing any of them will not be allowed to participate. Other than required items, the items listed are a minimum of what may be needed for the events.

Total Pictures (260)      Smug Mug Gallery

This site is run by Troop 1539, Kitsap District, Chief Seattle Council, Boy Scouts of America
It is not an official BSA site