8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Kitsap County Fairgrounds
Could use up to three more Scouts to help with running supplies, etc.
The time for Cub Week at Cub Scout Day Camp is very much upon us! Some information to pass on:
Tigers, Wolves & Bears Day Walkers/leader Training
Sunday 1th or Monday 12th Either Day training starts at 6PM.
Daycamp Dates: July 13th - 16th
Webelos Week Day Walker/leader Training
Sunday 18th or Monday 19th Either Day training starts at 6PM.
Daycamp Dates: July 20th - 23rd
District Rountable will be after the campfire on the 23rd.
Scouts BSA, Crews, Sea Scout and OA youth needed for community service support. Please be in a unit or official scout uniform to demonstrate your unit affiliation.
First and foremost: We do a training session for ALL Den Walkers and other Cub Week Volunteers. You must attend either Sunday July 11th at 6pm OR Monday July 12th at 6pm. The location is the Campground area BEHIND the soccer fields at the Fairgrounds. Easiest way to find us = follow the street from the soccer parking lot down past the 4H barns until you see the horseshoe pits on the left. You'll see a path on the left leading into the woods! Watch for signage pointing the way.
All parents are invited to this meeting so that we can help answer any questions you may have about the upcoming camp. This can be especially helpful for parents new to the Day Camp experience.
Camp hours: 8am - check-in starts
Opening Flag - 825am
Please be sure you check in your Cub Scout with Camp staff in a timely manner so that we can start the opening flag ceremony on time.
NO open toed or open heeled shoes - adults and Cubs alike. Safety first. If you show up with these, you'll be asked to leave or a parent called to bring another pair of shoes. Crocs are a no go as well. Impaled feet are no one's friend, and we are in the woods where sticks abound.
While the state has reopened, they have very specific requirements for Day Camps just as they do for schools and such.
Screening - we are required to still do the quick Covid screen at check-in each day. Volunteers and Cubs alike. This is a super quick process that with patience from all will go quite quickly.
Masking - The current requirements still require masking for ALL individuals in camp, youth and adults alike regardless of vaccination status. Please be sure when you come to camp that you have your mask ready and on when you enter camp itself. We ARE required to also build in ample mask breaks (periods when the Cubs and volunteers can remove their masks for a period). We have these built into the stations. All Den Walkers and Station staff will be trained on when and how to offer these. Adult Den Walkers who need to take a moment will be relieved by Camp staff to take a short break for bathrooms and such as well.
Check out starts at 430pm
Den Walkers (adults walking with the Cubs from station to station) - please do NOT leave your Den unattended until all Cubs are handed off to their families.
Please do NOT wander into camp to grab your Cubs after camp. We will check them out to you at the same area you checked them in.
Lunch - please provide a lunch for your Cub each day. We DO have a severe peanut allergy in camp, so make sure to provide a peanut free lunch if at all possible. We cannot certify as nut free however. That said, if your child is a selective eater who will only eat something like peanut butter let us know ASAP so that we can take steps to reduce risk of contamination.
We do not provide coolers for lunches. If a parent wishes to bring one for the use by their Cub's den, please be sure to coordinate with your Den Walkers.
Camp store - we do have a Trading post where the Cub can turn in the beads they get at each station in trade for things like erasers, small toys, etc. It helps to reinforce being mindful of something they are given so they do not lose them. Plus it helps with simple math skills in that they have to add up how much things cost and then do subtraction to find out how many they have left.
We will ALSO have some items for sale like fresh fruit (apples) that will cost $0.25 each. Again, math, etc (Scouting is about having FUN with a Purpose!). Other items for sale in the Trading Post will include various building kits and extra t-shirts. Parents are welcome to visit the trading post after checking out their Cub.
The Trading Post will be open for Cubs during lunch and open for families after check-out.
As a heads up, I am heading out to the woods as of TOMORROW and will be there for the duration of day camp. That said, I will have limited access to email. Please do NOT hesitate to call or text at the phone number I have emailed to all who have registered a Cub for week 1 of camp with ANY questions you may have about Day Camp. I would rather answer a thousand questions and know that everyone is comfortable AND excited about camp, than have anyone feel that they are in the dark about what to expect!